174,407 research outputs found

    Electronic administration in Spain: from its beginnings to the present

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    This study presents the basic lines of electronic administration in Spain. The complexity of the Spanish political-administrative system makes such a study challenging, in view of the considerable degree of autonomy and competences of the regional administrative bodies and local agencies with respect to the central government, the former being more visible in the 17 regions of Spain. Nonetheless, the central government maintains a series of legal instruments that allow a certain common framework of action to be imposed, aside from what is put into effect through diverse programs aimed precisely to develop common tools for the regions and municipalities of Spain. After an introduction that provides some necessary background, this study describes the legislative framework in which Spain's electronic administrative system has developed. The data included in the study refer to investment in information and communication technologies (ICT) and the services offered by the different Administrations on the internet; internet access by citizens, homes, businesses, and employees, as well as the interactivity existing with administrations by means of the internet; the origins and rise of various political initiatives of the Central Government involving electronic administration; and finally, the situation of civil service personnel, as catalysts of the success of Information Society in the Public Administration within Spain

    The Spanish Long-term Care System. ENEPRI Research Report No. 88, 15 June 2010

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    Launched in January 2009, ANCIEN is a research project that runs for a 44-month period and involves 20 partners from EU member states. The project principally concerns the future of long-term care (LTC) for the elderly in Europe and addresses two questions in particular: 1) How will need, demand, supply and use of LTC develop? 2) How do different systems of LTC perform? This case study on Spain is part of the first stage in the project aimed at collecting the basic data and necessary information to portray long-term care in each country of the EU. It will be followed by analysis and projections of future scenarios on long-term care needs, use, quality assurance and system performance. State-of-the-art demographic, epidemiologic and econometric modelling will be used to interpret and project needs, supply and use of long-term care over future time periods for different LTC systems

    La inscripción de las parejas estables españolas: la necesidad de un registro único en cada Comunidad Autónoma

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    El presente trabajo examina los problemas generados por la diversidad de formas registrales de las parejas estables en España, atendiendo, de manera singular, al caso de Navarra, para concluir la necesidad de que exista un registro único en cada Comunidad Autónoma

    Secular state and autonomy of the religious confessions. On occasion of a recent sentence of the Colombian Constitutional Court

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    La jurisprudencia de la Corte Constitucional de Colombia ha defendido continuamente la autonomía de las iglesias como uno de los aspectos del derecho fundamental de libertad religiosa y de la laicidad del Estado. Sin embargo, en una reciente sentencia (Corte Constitucional de Colombia, Sentencia T-658 de 2013, 2013), al resolver la acción de tutela de una religiosa en contra de su monasterio, se ordenó el reintegro de la demandante a su comunidad con el fin de garantizarle su derecho a una vida digna. Las cuestiones problemáticas principales que plantea la sentencia son las siguientes: el adecuado respeto de la libertad religiosa y la efectiva autonomía de las iglesias y confesiones; los límites al derecho de libertad religiosa; el papel de los ordenamientos confesionales (en concreto, del Derecho Canónico) en relación con el derecho del Estado, y el modo de entender el principio de laicidad por parte de la sentencia comentada. El trabajo se detiene en cada uno de estos aspectos y trata de ofrecer criterios alternativos de resolución del conflicto, compatibles con la libertad religiosa de personas e instituciones.The jurisprudence of the Colombian Constitutional Court has continuously defended the autonomy of churches as one of the aspects of the fundamental religious freedom right and the state’s secularity right. Nevertheless, a recent sentence (Colombian Constitutional Court, Sentence T-658, 2013), by resolving the action of protection of a nun against her monastery, the reinstatement of the plaintiff to her community was ordered in order to guarantee her right to a dignified life. The main problematic matters brought up by the sentence include the following: the adequate respect for religious freedom and the effective autonomy of churches and confessions; the limits of the religious freedom right; the role of the confessional code (in particular, the Canon Law) with regard to the State’s right and the way of understanding the secularity principle based on the sentence in question. The article deals with each of these matters and intends to offer alternative criteria for resolving the conflict, compatible with the religious freedom of both people and institutions

    Política universitaria, una mirada comparativa entre los años '90 y los gobiernos kirchneristas (2003-2013)

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    Este trabajo se propone abordar algunas de las principales dimensiones de la política universitaria del período 2003-2013 en perspectiva comparada con los años 90. Las variables a desarrollar serán: a) legislación, b) financiamiento y c) creación de instituciones universitarias. El objetivo es realizar una descripción analítica de las mismas para trazar posibles continuidades y rupturas. El desarrollo de algunas de las esferas más significativas de la política universitaria durante el período 2003-2013 desde una mirada que coteje con los años 90 nos otorgará un primer diagnóstico de cara a detectar las recientes transformaciones acaecidas en el sistema universitario argentino. Para llevar a cabo este trabajo se hará uso de metodología cualitativa, basada en la crítica bibliográfica y la interpretación de datos estadístico

    ¿Quo Vadis? Reclutamiento y Contratacion de Trabajadores Migrantes y su Acceso a la Seguridad Social: dinamicas de los sistemas de trabajo temporal migratorio en Norte y Centroamerica

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    Different regions and countries of the world face a serious need to design and make use of necessary policies and resources to better manage worker migration, thus ensuring the welfare and human rights of these people who, in the end, are of benefit to their society of origin, as well as the receiving society. Although international labor migration may turn out to be productive for many people, many of these migrant workers have unsatisfactory living and working conditions. While it is likely that their labor conditions are better than in their own country, in many cases they are inferior to the working conditions of nationals in their receiving country. Despite international standards to protect migrant workers, their labor rights are frequently abused, especially if they have immigrated in an irregular fashion. In this context, INEDIM took on the task of developing an integral and comprehensive document regarding different migrant worker and visa systems in Central and North America.The work presented here holds enormous value for delving in-depth to the forms of management of temporary migrant workers, as well as their access and guarantees to social and labor protection in North and Central America. This report addresses the problem of management of labor migrant flows among countries in our region. This study is based on an ordered and scrupulous methodology in which different migration systems and visa schemes for the hiring of temporary migrant workers are analyzed from the perspective of protection, respect for, guarantees and promotion of human rights. The study analyzes six systems that seek to regulate temporary migration in the region along the Central and North American corridor. The countries involved in these six systems are El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico, Canada, the United States, Costa Rica and Nicaragua. The authors carry out a thorough and well-structured study based on two focuses of analysis: first, the processes for recruiting and contracting migrant workers and secondly, access to social protection for temporary migrant workers by means of the right to social security. From these two focuses, the authors are able to identify and demonstrate structural insufficiencies and gaps in the analyzed systems, which should guarantee labor security and social security for these workers